Alexandre Hollan
Alexandre HOLLAN
French Hungarian

Alexandre HOLLAN

French Hungarian
1933. December 29, Budapest, Hungary

Sándor Hollán (Alexandre Hollan) born in Hungary in 1933 and moved to Paris in 1956. He studied under Roger Chapelain-Midy at the painting workshop of the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, after which he completed his degree at the department of graphic art of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. In the period that followed he spent several months every year travelling in nature, making observations, drawings and paintings. Ever since his main motif has been the tree, which he mostly depicts in cycles executed in India ink or charcoal. His period of wandering ended in 1984. He slowed down in his work, which thus became more concentrated. From this time onwards he began painting still lifes, too, whose tones tending towards complete darkness lead into a profound inner world. 

Alexandre Hollan’s dialogue with many poets such as Yves Bonnefoy, Jacques Ancet, Philippe Jacottet and Claude Louis-Combet has given rise to more than 40 publications of art books and artists. Many European museums (Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, Fabre Museum in Montpellier, Morandini Museum) exhibited his work and acquired his works for their collections.