Published by Makláry Artworks in 2006
Author: Rockenbauer Zoltán
480 pages
Sold out
  • Márffy, book, cover, Kálmán Makláry
About the book

This monograph represents the oeuvre of the popular Hungarian painter, Ödön Márffy in three languages (English, French, Hungarian) on 480 pages. The Makláry Artworks LTD alongside with the author, Zoltán Rockenbauer published this album to represent a monograph of Márffy in a way that had never been shown before, meeting the high criteria of the Western European regions. The book has two parts: one is the monograph of the artist and the other is a catalogue of the artworks from the most detailed database available. The 125 pages long study sums up the 8 year long research of the author, which contains photos and other documentations of the artist’s life. The album summarizes the most important moments of Márffy’s life in a 10 pages long biography both in English and French.